#ReclaimMLK 2ND Annual Day of Service

― Martin Luther King Jr.

- rent is even higher then last year,
- SMUD and PG&E are through the roof,
- and it has become harder and harder for the middle, low, and no income class to keep a roof over our heads and food in our kitchens (if we have kitchens).
Happy MFN New Year! 2023 has the Highest Number of Police Murdering People!

A few weeks ago we sent out an email informing folks that a Black woman named Niani Finlayson was murdered by the L.A. Sheriff department in December. In that same email we mentioned how there have been numbers of deaths at the hands of police lately, but for some reason we have all been carrying on as if nothing is happening.
We haven't seen too many marches, and in order to find out the names of people being killed...we have to go digging for them.
When Is Sacramento's Police Killing Problem Going to be Declared A State of Emergency?

So I was doing some computer work on some spreadsheets today, trying to find some things out...
I stumbled into a page on the Sacramento County District Attorney website that listed all the police involved killings, and in custody deaths from 2014-2021 (please keep in mind this does not include 2022, so the numbers will increase)
Here at BLM Sacramento our focus is Black lives since we are disproportionately murdered more than any other demographic.
We know that since 2014, we have been lifting the names of 20 people. That is a lot of names for one region. And thats only the Black folks.
So here you go...lets get the details.
67 people on these lists were murdered by law enforcement within the county of Sacramento.
Sacramento Police Department, Citrus Heights Police Department, Elk Grove Police Department, Sacramento Sheriff Department, California Highway Patrol...you make me embarrassed to live here.
Here are the lists:
Image Courtesy of SacBee
Read moreBlack Women Talking About Being Black Women

On This Day: Justice For Brandon Smith

On this day, June 6th in 2018, Brandon Smith was taken from his children, family, and loved ones by the Sacramento County Probation Department and the Sacramento Police Department.
On This Day: Justice for Dazion Flenaugh

Dazion Flenaugh was a sunchild and a peaceful soul who did not deserve to be unjustly taken from his family and loved ones by the Sacramento Police Department. Dazion was walking and became disoriented and lost. Police were called and instead of assisting Dazion who was in the middle of a mental health crisis, Dazion was illegally detained even though he had committed no crime.
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