Response To SN&R Editor's Note - January 20, 2018

Eric Johnson and SN&R, inadequately mentioned Tanya Faison and Black Lives Matter Sacramento in an their latest effort to wipe the slate of their anti-blackness. The fact of the matter is BLM Sacramento, Tanya Faison and others are putting their lives on the line, and are literally target practice for those who perpetuate institutionalized racism and anti-blackness in this town.

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Good Evening - My name is Christine Feenstra and I am resident of the city of Sacramento and up until June of this year, I served as Training Manager for the California Peace Officers Association. I am here to respectfully request that you as the City Council and Chief Hahn review the CIT courses that half of the Sac PD participated in via CPOA.
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The Dishonest and Unethical Behavior of SacPD and the California Peace Officers Association

In January of 2017, Mayor Steinberg demanded that all Sacramento police officers get crisis intervention training, in response to the police murder of Dazion Flenaugh and Joseph Mann.

Our dollars paid for this training and no one ensured that the CIT was carried out how it was supposed to be, per the mayors public demand.


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Right now, the Sheriff department is the only oversight to the Sheriff Department.


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Public Statement: Nyree Holmes and Elk Grove Unified School District


NOVEMBER 15, 2016

On May 18th, Nyree Holmes of Elk Grove, was escorted by Sacramento Sheriff school resource officers, from his graduation for refusing to remove his Kente Cloth. A symbol from Ghana thats colors represent things such as prosperity, good health, and longevity. 

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Sharing is Caring: Digging for Dirt on Scott Jones?

So we stumbled across a great piece of work created by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. 

No we aint vouchin for the dems. But the information inside of it was golden, with sources cited and everything.


As soon as we graced Scott Jones neighborhood with our presence, and some essential literature that included the link to this pdf document, the document vanished.


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September 2016 Police Killings of Black People: They Are Killing Us In The Street!

September was ridiculous!

Back to back to back police killings of Black folks.

As Black folks, how much can we take without having anxiety and depression. Those of us that are more oppressed feeling PTSD from being targeted regularly in the places they call home. Heavily gentrified while folks call the police, and we end up dead as a result.

There are no more safe spaces for us.


This month we had a young boy of 13 #TyreKing of Ohio, shot in his back by police who claimed he aimed a gun at them. He had a bb gun in an open carry state and was shot in his back. Which means he was running, and not pointing a gun. A 40 year old North Carolina man #KeithLamontScott was killed while reading a book in his car waiting for his child to get out of school. Another man in Oklahoma #TerenceCrutchner was called a "scary looking dude" as he complied and lay on the ground tazed. Then murdered. How much more can we take?

This month was hard. Hard doesn't even describe what it was.

All the way up until the last day of the month where a man #ReginaldThomas in Pasadena California called 911 for help because of a bipolar episode he was having, and they beat and killed him when they came out to his call for help. 


We are going to start posting the names of Black folks killed by police, by the month. #perspective



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Dear Mayor Johnson, We DECLINE Your Proposal to Silence Us

September 19, 2016


The Sacramento Coalition of Black Lives Matter Sacramento, LEAD, and ACT urges city council to pass reform now, DECLINES invitations to organize more community forums. Coalition will conduct research and consult experts on giving policing commission power.

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This Is Why We Infiltrate!


Today begins the August campaign of "Infiltrate Oak Park."

What does that word mean to you? Is it powerful? Does it get your attention?

It should. What it should not do is create fear.

Black and Brown folks spend a lot of time being taken out of context...

On the street

On the job

In our skin

On television

Often we are misunderstood because it is easier for those in power to ignore that which makes us more than they can imagine. We are powerful and we have within us something they don't have and prefer not to understand. We make every effort to participate fully in our nation home, yet we must be on alert to be ready to defend our flesh. We do so to further our existence because it is difficult being brown in white spaces. We are choosy as to where we place our bodies because preserving our spirits and souls often takes precedence over educating those who do not wish to be educated

When you hear a person say "The struggle is real." Believe that, but.......

Don't question that.

If a person says their head hurts, is it your job to convince them otherwise? NO.

If a person says their wooden chair causes them pain, is it your job to suggest they find a softer chair? NO.

If we say we are not happy with the negative effects "urbanization" and gentrification have had on the lives of our people...Your job is to empathize with us and offer comfort through our pain. Do not chastise us for not "pulling up our bootstraps" or because we just could not "get over it." Please remain without judgement or "advice" geared toward stroking your own ego or soothing your privileged sensitivities to a problem that must eventually be addressed .

If we say the neighborhood association is ignoring the voices of the unheard, do you talk over us or explain why we are wrong?


Your role in our battle is to offer empathy, not constructive criticism.

If this is a struggle for you, then know that we're not leaving.

Open heart. Open mind. Closed mouth.

This type of treatment is what causes people of color to steer clear of white spaces. We want to feel like we belong without being singled out as a novelty or something out of place. When we show up on the Wine Train, don't trip. We like to enjoy the same things you do. The color of our skin should not confuse you as to our presence. Where we belong is where we belong, and if that is right next to you at the next Neighborhood Association meeting, then so be it.

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Demands for City Council Regarding SacPD's Murder of Dazion Flenaugh

On April 8th Sacramento Police came into contact with Dazion Flenaugh. One Sacramento police officer made extremely careless choices, and created an unnecessary situation that lead to Dazions death.

Not once has this city council discussed the killing of this unarmed Black man.
Not once has his name been on the agenda.
Not once has the city ensured that his families voice was heard or that this incident was treated like Dazions life mattered..


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